samedi 17 octobre 2009

Pragmatic testing

It's certainly a matter of fact that good practice in software development include automated testing. Developing without unit tests is stone age practice. I read few books about testing, and many of them are about writing bureaucracy plans, not code. Reading documentation about unit testing framework doesn't provide much information about how to design tests. Here are few learnings from my experience.

  • Automated tests should be easy to write and run. If they are hard to run, if they require a special manual setup, then they will be run infrequently. If you need a database or a daemon, it should be setup and launched automatically on localhost by test running scripts. Default config that just work should be provided to avoid configuration mess. Document needed packages from known archives to run tests, that may be different than running or compiling the software.
  • Take care to apparmor when trying to launch a daemon with unusual locations : it may fail to start because of security restrictions. Disabling it may be necessary in some conditions.
  • If the program operates on file, then create them in a temporary directory, flushed at each run. A program that copy files is testable : execute the operation and verify that files are where they should be.
  • Running tests should be fast. if testing requires few minutes each time, and you are interested only to the result of one of them, it's not efficient. A simple solution is to provide a way to test only a subset of all tests.
  • Running tests should usually not require root access, excepted for special purpose. If you bind ports, use a port over 1024 to avoid restrictions. Don't use global settings, use relative path to settings and files. If you get data from system library, you can simulate obtained data by providing objects with the same interface.
  • Software always operates on data. You will need test data that simulate possible inputs. If your application reads input files, then those files should be held beside test code.
  • One tests should not depend on previous test to succeed, they should be independent. In other words, the result should not depend on the order in which tests are executed. To make sure that tests are not linked together, always start from a known state. It means reloading initial data for each test, recreating objects and such. This is conveniently done with setup and tear down method usually available from unit testing framework.
  • Test Driven Development is about creating test and code for some functionality together. This is the basic thing to do to make sure at least it works. Testing can go further for critical code, by trying to break the code, use it in ways that it may not have been thought by programmers. This kind of tests needs a different point of view, and should be done by someone else.
  • Don't depend on external services. Tests environment should be self-contained, and running tests should be possible without network access. This may not be possible for all situations, for example if the application is interacting with google API, we can do the assumption that the service will be available, and anyway, we can't reproduce the service on localhost. But providing local servers when possible limit dependencies to run tests, and avoid network delays.
I hope that these few advices will help you build better testing!

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